Jürgen Berg - SCADA & HMI Applikationen

SCADA & HMI Applikationen

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Jürgen Berg


Like in my previous professional practice, I create SCADA and HMI applications, test them, take them into operation (on the fabric and on site), document them and train the customer.

I work with the software Zenon of Copa-Data, FactoryTalk view of Rockwell Automation or InTouch of Wonderware/ Schneider Electric. Installation and use of Windows systems and database systems (Ms SQL server) are included.

My main emphasis is on the pharmaceutical industry. I have experiences in the documentation according GAMP.

I do not offer any PLC programming.

About me

I am a freelance engineer in Backnang, Baden-Wurttemberg (30 km north of Stuttgart).

I was born 1965, made my abitur (general qualification for university admission) 1985 and am a trained radio electronics technician with several years professional experience.

I completed my acadamic studies 1999 on "electrical power engineering" with main emphasis "electrical networks" at the "Technische Fachhochschule Berlin" (University of Applied Science).

I was employed as a hired engineer with partly challenging and complex projects for different enterprises from 1999 to 2018.

I have set up my own business in 2018 and am available as a freelance engineer since 2019.


Please take my current availability, price estimate and further references from my profiles on the freelancer portals. You achieve the profiles LinkedIn, Xing, GULP and Freelancermap with a click on the corresponding icon.

What is important to me?

Customer satisfaction and quality of the work are natural but there are areas which stand also on my priority list like my faith and my family.

It is normally settled to pay after hours, what is of advantage for a self-employed person, I would prefer to be paid according to the added value which I give. If it can be calculated, I therefore like to offer a fixed price.

Further education is of great importance for me. I mean the education which goes over what one learns from working for a customer. I do not like the statement "I learn everything when working for at the Customer". I have paid myself and made in my leisure time many of the further education measures as an employee.

A procedure according to arrangement and plan is important for me. Because of this the GAMP thought also fills me with enthusiasm even if it is not flexible enough in the mapping. I have gone to the 11th GAMP meeting "agile but nevertheless Compliant" with interest.

I am also concerned about the solidarity for the poor and weak. I commit myself in a Christian community among others in the refugee work and support works in Uganda and Romania. In my opinion we live in a country in which we are very well. We have all reason being gratefully.

There are many challenges and the politics surely must do much work here, but I do not let anybody to spoil my country. Therefore, I find it necessary to observe rules even if they do not suit me. In addition, I am also interested in theological topics and church work and continue my education also in this direction.

I hope that I could win your interest for me and my service and would be pleased about an enquiry.

Example projects

Here are a couple of examples out of the many projects I was involved.
Brewery, Dominican Republic

For the at that time largest brewery of Latin America the following formulation was demanded:

  • Operating system with 3 InTouch stations.1 Master for the plant operation, the batch system and the reporting. 2 additional clients for the plant operation.
  • If the master fails, the first client shall immediately take over the functions of the master. If the client also fails, the second client shall take over the functions.
  • The system should have the "Look and Feel" of Siemens Braumat.
  • Access was used as database and reporting tool.
Several stopper washers and sterilizers for the pharmacy
For the operation of these installations RSView (today FactoryTalk View) or InTouch was used. The unusual feature at the RSView projects was the necessity of a documented Audit Trail of changes in value for which there is no good solution in the software implemented to this day. The audit Trail was created with VBA. The data were saved in a SQL server and printed over Access.
In addition, I was responsible for the complete documentation in accordance with GAMP.
Plant for sulphur pastillation in Bahrain
Unusual feature of this project was the use of a redundant FactoryTalk SE system on Windows servers with connection of the ControlLogix PLCs via ControlNet. VBA was used for programming.
Quarry in Germany
Care and various customizations and extensions of the visualization. The visualization was created with VisiWin and Visual Basic 6.
Double belt cooler in Netherlands/Switzerland
Creation of the PLC program for an S 7-400 and the visualization with WinCC Flex.
Multi-Use filling plant pharmacy USA
The installation consisting of several machines can fill syringes and vials. Product could first be dried with a freeze dryer or bottled as liquid.
My challenge was the construction of a SCADA system with several servers. Data base server (MS SQL Server), Transaction Manager (early RSSQL), FactoryTalk SE as a SCADA application on terminal server, Historian server for trends and one for communication.
The first challenge was the flexible recipe system. Depending on the product different machines were involved. Several recipes can run at the same time, too.
Secondly the use of the Transaction Manager in pharmaceutical sector, since the software cannot give any return code, whether the data were saved in the database. It was used among others to transfer the weight values to the database.
Thirdly, the implementation of a format handling for the product and the involved machines. Here the values were transferred or compared from and to the database. VBA was used as a programming interface by FactoryTalk.
You can find further references on my freelancer profiles.


Write your message

or contact me by mail or phone.


Jürgen Berg
SCADA & HMI Applikationen
Burgplatz 8
71522 Backnang


Office: 07191 9333008
Office: 07191 9618713

Office hours

Monday-Friday: 8-16
clock by arrangement.


Only from Eugen-Adolff-Straße for delivery.
No parking directly at the house.


„Parkhaus Adenauerplatz" (entrance from „Obere Bahnhofstraße) or Train Station Parking at „Oberen Bahnhofstrasse".
SCADA & HMI Applications
SCADA & HMI Applications
SCADA & HMI Applications
SCADA & HMI Applications
Mehr Informationen zur IT-Haftpflicht von Jürgen Berg SCADA & HMI Applikationen, Backnang